Crafting a world class mining company

About US

Welcome to Metals and Extraction Company of Nigeria Limited, a leading mining and extraction company focused on technology green metals like Lithium, Tantalum, Niobium and Tin.


MEXCON has in holding over 200sqkm largely underexplored land. Our multiple locations spread across the North-Central and South-Western regions of Nigeria, allowing us to be closer to meeting the growing demands of green energy solutions.

Our Vision

To make Africa the center of global green energy mineral solutions.

Our Purpose

To make Africa the center of global green energy mineral solutions. Our mission is crafting a world class mining company based on a culture of sustainability, diversity and respect to the natural environment.

Our Products




Beginning of the supply chain

MEXCON mines and explores the raw material.

  • Tantalum, Niobium and Tin
Green technology metals are used for
  • Resistors in smartphones, laptops
  • Surgical instruments and implants in health care.
  • Jet engines and rockets, beams and oil rigs.
  • Construction, pipelines, automotive parts
  • Plating steel cans for food containers
The Market

These products guarantee high tech device elements that are fundamental in technology, automotive, health, military and aero industries to improve lives.

Our Projects

MEXCON is currently carrying out a reconnaissance investigation to review and determine the perspectivity of over ten (10) Lithium licenses across Oyo, Nasarawa and Kwara states. Interpreted aeromagnetic data shows that several lineaments cut across most of the targeted concessions.

Our Assets

For all our assets, we possess the necessary licenses and permits required to operate in the respective areas. We also prioritize community relations and engagement as an integral part of our operations.

Assets State License Type
Gold/Cassiterite/Tantalite Yagba East, Kogi Exploration Licence
Cassiterite/Tourmaline Kokona, Nasarawa Exploration Licence
Cassiterite/Tourmaline Karu, Nasarawa Exploration Licence
Cassiterite/Tourmaline Keffi, Nasarawa Exploration Licence
Lithium Kwara Exploration Licence
Lithium Kebi Exploration Licence
Lithium/Gold Osun Exploration Licence
Tin Kaduna Exploration Licence
Tin Oyo Exploration Licence
Lithium Ekiti Exploration Licence

Contact Us

To learn more about MEXCON send us a request. Our experienced team is available to work with you on all levels of your project.

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